Gordon Hindess



Name: Gordon Hindess
Location: Cardiff
Email: gordon.hindess@ukonline.co.uk
Date of birth: 6 January 1943
Nationality: British
Mobility: Car and clean driving licence


Chartered engineer with over 35 years professional experience but having wide-ranging skills in other areas such as writing, training, presentation, youth work, map reading and navigation, natural history and local knowledge of South-east Wales. Accustomed to responsibility and to working with minimum supervision using own initiative. Numerate with excellent written and verbal communication skills. Logical, diligent and committed to achieving targets.


BA in Engineering Science, Oxford University - 1964
Member of the Institution of Civil Engineers - 1970
Member of the Chartered Institution of Water and Environmental Management - 1975


MWH (Montgomery Watson Harza) Consultant 1998 - present
Providing advice and guidance on sewerage, especially in respect of strategic planning, regulatory aspects and, on individual projects, through the peer review process. Currently taking a leading role in producing ranking and prioritisation methodologies aimed at maximising outputs from a limited budget and integrating operational activities with investment.
Dwr Cymru Welsh Water Sewerage Engineer (Capital) 1977-98
Management and technical administration of contractors and consultants in order to deliver an annual capital budget of over £s;10 million, in an efficient and customer-focused environment. To provide appropriate and cost-effective solutions, it was necessary to blend new technology with proven traditional methods in a practical and pragmatic way, encouraging lateral thinking and innovative solutions.
Howard Humphreys & Sons Senior Engineer 1973-77
Directly responsible to Regional Manager as project engineer.
Cookham (Berkshire) RDC Resident Engineer 1970-73
St Ives (Cambridgeshire) RDC Assistant Resident Engineer 1968-70
Howard Humphreys & Sons Graduate/Assistant Engineer 1964-68


I am a keen walker with a broad interest in the countryside and natural history. I was heavily involved in scouting for several years, during which I successfully trained a number of venture scout teams for Duke of Edinburgh Gold Award Expeditions. I have led rambles for a variety of groups, still lead occasional cub hikes and am a voluntary leader for HF Holidays. My writing hobby, combined with walking and local knowledge, has result in having two books of walks published. I continue to broaden my knowledge of the countryside through adult education courses in subjects such as geology, industrial archaeology and landscape history. In addition, I enjoy reading, music, intellectual games, photography and sport.

I am married and have three grown up children. I am fit and enjoy good health. I would describe myself as diligent and reliable, calm in a crisis, sensitive to others and a good listener, adaptable and possessing a lively sense of humour.

Since leaving Welsh Water on early retirement terms, demands for my professional qualifications and experience have kept me pretty busy. However, I am keen to explore a wider range of activities offering new challenges and providing the chance to give something back to society. I realise that such alternative work may not be as rewarding financially, but believe that increased satisfaction and fulfilment will compensate.


I shall be pleased to provide names of referees if required.